Certified Auditors
Due Diligence
Our Due Diligence Services in will help you find the complex issues and how to fix them. Due Diligence is typically an audit process done in organizations to inspect all its financial transactions and performance.
Properly assessing the value of potential acquisitions and investments through due diligence can be imperative to the success of a transaction. Quality of earnings concerns, operations, market trends, culture issues and other areas all require a closer look to assess risks and determine a company’s true value.
Scope of Work for Due Diligence Services
The scope of the due diligence review, which is always determined in conjunction with you, depends on the size and scale of the transaction and the surrounding risks. Our due diligence services focus on the most critical elements of transactions, including:
Identifying and quantifying industry and deal-specific risks and opportunities.
Identifying hidden costs, commitments and contingencies.
Identifying and quantifying tax exposures.
Identifying and quantifying liabilities that can be deal breakers; and
Highlighting issues likely to affect the purchase price or contract conditions.
Due Diligence Service Providers
Availing due diligence audit services helps you identify issues related to transactions, establish the true value of a business transaction, evaluate the history, evaluate the risks and opportunities of a proposed transaction, avoid a dangerous transaction, confirm whether each transaction complies with investment criteria, etc. Certified Auditors offers exceptional due diligence services to support our clients accomplish their business goals on time without spending a huge sum of money.
Types of Due Diligence
a) Commercial Due Diligence
Commercial due diligence is carried out to scrutinize various commercial factors, including market conditions, competitor analysis, product or service assessment, and any other commercial data the user wishes to investigate.
b) Financial Due Diligence
Financial due diligence is a re-examination of the past records, including trade results, cash flow and balance sheet of a business to know its financial situation. It also comprises a check of forecast performance and funding requirements.
c) Legal Due Diligence
Legal due diligence is the investigation of any lawful risk connected with the rights and obligation of the target company that may involve employment disputes, intellectual property, and property ownership.
d) Operational Due Diligence
Operational due diligence involves the reassessment of non-financial matters of a business, which may include HR activities, insurance, and risk assessment, review of systems and processes, evaluation of management team, etc.
e) Environmental Due Diligence
It provides a critical and independent assessment whether the company complies with the environmental policy or not.
f) People Due Diligence
The People Due Diligence involves the study of the old organizational structure and the new one which might be established if the acquirement is a success, and the study of the employment contracts between the company and its employees, costs of terminations if any and the potential benefits.
Objectives of Due Diligence
To avoid a bad business transaction
To bear out that the transaction complies with investment or acquisition criteria
To gauge the risks and opportunities of a proposed transaction
To trim down the risk of post-transaction disagreeable surprises
To look into the affairs of business as a cautious business person
To corroborate all material facts related to the business
To corroborate that the business is what it appears to be
To generate a trust between two unrelated parties
Our Due Diligence reports can provide automated insights, standard and enhanced due diligence. They are suitable for any sector or business size, situated in any location in the world. Based on your organization's risk-based approach and internal policies you can rate your suppliers and third parties.
A successful transaction relies on deep insight into market trends, earnings and quality concerns, and operational integration – and the data analysis skills to turn these insights into actions.
Our due diligence specialists have significant experience working with clients to maximize value in a transaction through ensuring a smooth due diligence process. Whether it is for an acquisition, sale or refinancing, we tailor our due diligence services to meet your specific needs. At Certified Auditors, we provide a focused and flexible approach to due diligence services for mergers and acquisitions.
Whether you’re a strategic buyer, private equity firm, or a lender, we can work with your team to analyze your specific needs and uncover the real value and inherent risks of your transaction. Our fully integrated, cost-effective, data-driven approach can help you work through your deal with confidence and ease.